
Book (* with peer review)

[1.*] Gastinger, M. (2023) EU Trade Agreements and European Integration: Commission Autonomy or Council Control?, London: Routledge. [publisher’s website; introduction available open source]

Journal articles (* with peer review)

[11.*] Wonka, A., Gastinger, M. and Blauberger, M. (2023) ‘The domestic politics of EU action against democratic backsliding: Public debates in Hungarian and Polish newspapers’, Journal of European Public Policy. [publisher’s website]

[10.*] Gastinger, M. and Schmidtke, H. (2023) ‘Measuring precision precisely: A dictionary-based measure of imprecision’, The Review of International Organizations 18(3): 553–571. [publisher’s website; replication data]

[9.*] Dür, A. and Gastinger, M. (2023) Spinning a global web of EU external relations: How the EU establishes stronger joint bodies where they matter most’, Journal of European Public Policy 30(6): 1072–1091. [publisher’s website; replication data]

[8.*] Gastinger, M. and Heldt, E. C. (2022) ‘Measuring actual discretion of the European Commission: Using the discretion index to guide empirical research’, European Union Politics 23(3): 541–558. [publisher’s website]

[7.*] Gastinger, M. and Dür, A. (2021) ‘Joint bodies in the European Union’s international agreements: Delegating powers to the European Commission in EU external relations’, European Union Politics 22(4): 611–630. [publisher’s website; replication data]

[6.*] Gastinger, M. (2021) ‘Introducing the EU exit index measuring each member state’s propensity to leave the European Union’, European Union Politics 22(3): 566–585. [publisher’s website; replication data]

[5.*] Gastinger, M. and Adriaensen, J. (2019) ‘Of principal(s’) interest? A disaggregated, multiple principals’ approach to Commission discretion’, Journal of Common Market Studies 57(2): 353–370. [publisher’s website; replication data]

[4.*] Gastinger, M. (2017) ‘Play it again, Sam! Teaching transferable skills through multiple repetitions of “simple” simulations (with research benefits)’, European Political Science 16(2): 233–245. [publisher’s website; post-print]

[3.*] Gastinger, M. (2016) ‘The tables have turned on the European Commission: the changing nature of the pre-negotiation phase in EU bilateral trade agreements’, Journal of European Public Policy 23(9): 1367–1385. [publisher’s website; post-print; featured on the JEPP Online blog; included in JEPP’s Virtual Special Issue on EU Trade Policy]

[2.] Gastinger, M. and Jürgens, G. (2012) ‘Fraternité 2020 – Mobilität. Fortschritt. Europa.’, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen (4): 65–68. [publisher’s website]

[1.] Parkes, R. and Gastinger, M. (2008) ‘Die Öffnung des Arbeitsmarktes für Bürger der EU8. Lehren aus Großbritannien’, GWP – Gesellschaft. Wirtschaft. Politik 57(4): 479–486. [archived version; also published in Eyes on Europe]

Book chapters

[1.*] Gastinger, M. (2017) ‘Effects of Contestation Within a Collective Agent in EU Trade Policy-Making’, in T. Delreux and J. Adriaensen (eds). The Principal Agent Model and the European Union. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181–202. [publisher’s website]

Scholarly blogs

[6.] Dür, A. and Gastinger, M. (2022) ‘Understanding the role of joint bodies in EU external relations’, LSE EUROPP blog.

[5.] Gastinger, M. (2020) ‘Wird ein anderes Land Großbritannien aus der EU folgen?’, DER STANDARD Politikwissenschaftsblog.

[4.] Gastinger, M. (2019) ‘Will another country follow the UK out of the EU? This is why it’s unlikely’, LSE Brexit blog.

[3.] Gastinger, M. (2018) ‘Don’t shoot the messenger: the European Commission’s role in the Brexit negotiations’, The UK in a Changing Europe.

[2.] Gastinger, M. (2017) ‘Donald Trump’s flawed plan to strong-arm other countries into “one-on-one” trade deals’, LSE American Politics and Policy blog.

[1.] Gastinger, M. (2016) ‘Teaching the Value of Replicability’, Active Learning in Political Science.

Commentary and opinion

[5.] Gastinger, M. (2021) ‘MEPs have one last chance to save Erasmus from Brexit’, EUobserver, 15 February.

[4.] Gastinger, M. (2015) ‘Time for Plan C on the refugee crisis’, EUobserver, 29 October.

[3.] Gastinger, M. (2014) ‘Wider den Wanderzirkus – ein “olympisches Europaparlament”?’,, 19 May.

[2.] Gastinger, M. (2014) ‘Students should vote for pro-Erasmus MEPs’, EUobserver, 23 April.

[1.] Gastinger, M. (2011) ‘Der Euro-Stabilitätspakt: an inconvenient truth’,, 8 June.

Reports and policy papers

[2.] Gastinger, M., Lieb, J., Maurer, A. and McGinley, M. (2008) ‘Das irische Nein zum Lissabonner Vertrag: Kampagnen, Abstimmungsmotive und Perspektiven des Reformvertrages’, SWP Diskussionspapier. [publisher’s website]

[1.] Mirela, N., Czerniak, M., Gastinger, M., Hueter, H. and Jodoin, A. (2003) Continuing Coverage: “Out-Biggin’ the Smalls and Out-Smallin’ the Bigs”, Investment Research Report on MidSouth Bancorp (MSL-AMEX), Tulane University: Burkenroad Reports. [download]


[8.] Dür, A. and Gastinger, M. (2022) Executive Summary: Joint Bodies in International Agreements of the EU, University of Salzburg. [download]

[7.] Gastinger, M. (2022) Is civil society involved in the EU’s trade policy? The case of CETA, commUNIty – the University of Salzburg blog. [hyperlink]

[6.] Gastinger, M. (2022) Freihandelsabkommen und Umweltschutz: ein Widerspruch?, commUNIty – the University of Salzburg blog. [hyperlink]

[5.] Gastinger, M. (2021) The EU Exit Index: Could any other countries leave the EU in the future?, PLUS Dossier. [download]

[4.] Gastinger, M. (2021) Introducing the EU Exit Index, YouTube, 15 April. [hyperlink]

[3.] Gastinger, M. (2020) International Cooperation in Focus, personal blog, December 8. [hyperlink]

[2.] Gastinger, M. (2019) Brexit! Grexit? Frexit? Considerations on how to explain and measure the propensities of member states to leave the European Union, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) Working Paper 2019/85. [download]

[1.] Gastinger, M. (2017) Donald J. Trump – Free to (f)act? A short introduction to international relations (IR) theories, YouTube, 13 January. [hyperlink; see related blog post here]